From Goodreads: "Near an isolated mansion lies a beautiful garden.
In this garden grow luscious flowers, shady trees…and a collection of precious “butterflies”—young women who have been kidnapped and intricately tattooed to resemble their namesakes. Overseeing it all is the Gardener, a brutal, twisted man obsessed with capturing and preserving his lovely specimens.
When the garden is discovered, a survivor is brought in for questioning. FBI agents Victor Hanoverian and Brandon Eddison are tasked with piecing together one of the most stomach-churning cases of their careers. But the girl, known only as Maya, proves to be a puzzle herself.
As her story twists and turns, slowly shedding light on life in the Butterfly Garden, Maya reveals old grudges, new saviors, and horrific tales of a man who’d go to any length to hold beauty captive. But the more she shares, the more the agents have to wonder what she’s still hiding..."
First off, whoa. This book was amazingly written. It's told in two perspectives - Maya's first person perspective in the Garden, and from a narrator's point of view. I will say there are triggers in this book, there's speak of suicide, rape, sexual assault, murder, and violence.
The characters are likeable and their stories come together in an intricate but tragic way. It's hard to talk about the plot without spoilers, so I'll keep it neat. The Butterfly Garden builds are you read, the stories told becoming more horrific as time goes on. It's written in such a way that you almost feel like you're in the garden with the victims.
I consumed this book in a little over three days, reading when I could. It's a thriller that sucks you in. At parts, admittedly, I wished the story would move just a tiny bit faster, but the details prove beneficial once you get to the plot twist and ending.
If you're even remotely a fan of thrillers, definitely snag this one. And from what I hear, the rights to the movie version are being discussed!
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