I'll start this post by saying that I don't even like pico de gallo because I can't stand onions, so the raving review I got for this recipe was from a friend. I threw this together without a recipe, but I'll tell you how I made it! An alteration to traditional pico was the addition of garlic - we're garlic fiends around here, so it goes in everything.
Super Easy Pico de Gallo
Yields approximately two cups
12-15 cherry tomatoes, diced
small onion, diced
half a jalapeno, seeds removed and diced
2 cloves of garlic, finely diced
juice of one small lime
half a handful of fresh cilantro, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
Mix it all together and let it sit for at least an hour so the flavors can marinate. You're done!
I'd never made this before and this is one of those recipes that can be tweaked and ingredients can be added or taken away to your taste. It was easy to make and prep time was only about ten minutes. Try it sometime!
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