I'm a summer hater, and this article about how weather affects mood was interesting and spot on for my feelings of warm weather and sunshine.
We cracked up at this video of a guy who'd apparently been bitten by a bug.
This moose is gorgeous! I love nature photography.
Check out Omo the rare white giraffe over on the Animal Hearted blog (which is where my dog sweatshirt came from!).
This felt flower wreath is stunning.
As a diehard Yankees fan, I'd totally wear these Keds to a game.
I think I've followed this patch's advice my whole life.
Drooling over this shaved asparagus coleslaw.
You had me at white garlic jalapeno sauce in this pasta recipe from Vegan Richa.
One pot pasta with a creamy mushroom sauce. I need this nooooow.
Total heart eyes emoji over this pasta salad.
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