lucky bandit | RVA based lifestyle blog: life lately

Sunday, April 03, 2016

life lately

Things have been a little hectic around here. A lot has gone on in the last month, but since I went up to NOVA, it's been a lot of me just living life and getting things straight. But! There's been some exciting things going on, too, although some I'm not quite ready to release here on the blog. However, here are some interesting things that have happened lately in pictures.

life update katelyn carter lucky bandit blog

life update katelyn carter lucky bandit blog

I met a snake! Darcy is a Western Hognose. It's the first time I'd ever held a snake and I'm pretty much in love. Look at his little snout! He has the prettiest dark coloring on his belly and he's so sweet.

life update katelyn carter lucky bandit blog

life update katelyn carter lucky bandit blog

life update katelyn carter lucky bandit blog

I'm still obsessed with caffeine, much to the disdain of my kidneys. And since having falafel at Cava Grill, I can't get enough of the stuff. Apparently I talk about the stuff so much that the man I'm seeing snuck money in my purse specifically for me to buy it for lunch Friday. Over the moon!

And I got a new car! I haven't posted any photos on social media due to security reasons (that whole thing is a shit show, believe me) but it's so nice and all the gauges and winshield wipers work and I'm forever grateful for my mother and stepfather helping me with that. They are saints and scholars and I love them.

There's only a little more than a month left of this school semester and I cannot wait until summer. By the end of the spring semester I am so burnt out on school that I can't stand it. Luckily, I have a really great accounting instructor.

And really, that's about all I'll talk about for now. Some things need to progress a bit more before I'll discuss them. Ugh, vague blog crap, sorry.

What have you been up to lately? Leave me some links in the comments to check out!

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