lucky bandit | RVA based lifestyle blog

Friday, February 28, 2025

frugal friday - february


A new year has begun! Hopefully some good habits can be implemented from the start!
  • No Spend Days: 10!
  • Grocery deals: free box of spaghetti with store coupon, free bag of salad with Kroger coupon, 28¢ tomato
  • I scheduled another free USPS pickup for two more items I sold online
  • My onboarding health screening/vaccine/drug test was five miles away and I had a great unlimited-time street parking spot, so I took the 100% free city transit bus out. My best friend met me at the clinic and she was gracious enough to buy me lunch while we had a much needed catch up
  • I cashed out $20.18 from the Eureka app (use code 6TMSQL and unlock $1!)
  • I tried the Morningstar Riblets (not a fan) and pulled out the rice maker and made rice and steamed some leek dumplings at the same time - I got about four meals out of a cup of rice!
  • Although there's been some pretty chilly nights here, I've been turning the air off at night. Since I'm sandwiched on the middle floor, it doesn't usually get down below 63° inside, which is perfectly manageable with my duvet and a snuggly 65lbs puppy dog
  • I sold some items in a specialty Facebook group and shipped out the items via ParcelPath, which offers a discount - via PP the shipping was $6.82 vs $9 via the USPS website. I passed these savings along to the buyer and it'll be on it's way tomorrow after I scheduled a free pickup
  • I walked a UPS package down to the drop off at a local CVS instead of paying for a pickup
I'm always decluttering! It's pretty slow going because I'm not near a lot of reputable thrift stores and people don't always show up when you offer things for free. We'll get there!
  • A kid's Marvel backpack, a three drawer storage unit, a box of metal stamping supplies, a wok, plant stand, pair of steel toe boots, two ball bags and two plate brushes leftover from umpiring, - sold on Facebook marketplace
  • A replacement Nalgene bottle lid, a NWT blazer I've had forever, the brand new set of Crocs insoles out of my work clogs, a Wii game, a bikini top, two B&BW Bac Holders, - sold online & shipped with recycled polymailers
  • An extra puzzle, stack of clothing, four pairs of heels, an organizer bag, - given away in my local Buy Nothing group
  • I consolidated my handbags into one bin in my closet and chose three I haven't used in years to list and sell
I really had to buckle down this month and eat from my stores. Here's how I did:
  • Pantry/Freezer Use Up: Last of the egg noodles, last serving of cookie dough ice cream, a package of soup dumplings (not a fan), a bag of cheddar popcorn, above said Morningstar Riblets (not a fan), bag of slightly freezerburnt lima beans
my poshmark closet | shop my mercari | shop my eBay
lucky bandit is a for profit blog. I use affiliate links and paid advertisements. I may earn compensation for a click or purchase through a link. Paid (whether via product or monetary) reviews will be noted in the actual post. Though compensation may influence the type of posts, all opinions and reviews will be legitimate and honest.

*All affiliate links will be marked with an asterick.*

Friday, January 31, 2025

frugal friday - january


A new year has begun! Hopefully some good habits can be implemented from the start!
  • No Spend Days: 5
  • Grocery deals: 76¢ for two on-the-vine tomatoes, free bag of Kroger brand salad mix with a store coupon
  • Money made outside of my job: 
    • DoorDash: $102.86
    • Ebay/Poshmark/Mercari/Facebook Marketplace: $34.40
    • Other: $38.03
  • I earned $4.84 cash back via the Upside app - that's 60¢ back per gallon!
  • I cashed out $15.33 from the Eureka app
  • I received $1.05 back via Ibotta at Kroger and $4 at Whole Foods
  • I made sure to go on the website (or app!) and clip Kroger digital coupons. Kroger puts out personalized coupons and these and the Weekly Digital Deal coupons are pretty good value.
  • I received $14.81 from a Verizon class action lawsuit sent to my high yield savings account.
  • I scheduled a free USPS pickup for two outgoing orders instead of driving or walking the half a mile to the post office
  • The insurance company I left failed to cancel my account on the proper day so I called the office to dispute this and they corrected it, warranting me another $20 and change check for the error
I'm always decluttering! It's pretty slow going because I'm not near a lot of reputable thrift stores and people don't always show up when you offer things for free. We'll get there!
  • A nice cast iron pan I hadn't used in years - sold on Facebook marketplace
  • A pair of Crocs wedges, fleece hoodie - sold online & shipped with recycled polymailers
  • A small weekly white board, some metal straws - given away on Facebook Marketplace
  • I found some children's books around my apartment so I packed them up and mailed them to my niblings
food waste blurb
  • Used up from the freezer and pantry - some Impossible nuggets, a bag of Trader Joe's Penne Arrabbiata, some spring roll wrappers made into spring rolls, two jars of Whole Foods tikka masala sauce, a few cups of fusili pasta
my poshmark closet | shop my mercari | shop my eBay
lucky bandit is a for profit blog. I use affiliate links and paid advertisements. I may earn compensation for a click or purchase through a link. Paid (whether via product or monetary) reviews will be noted in the actual post. Though compensation may influence the type of posts, all opinions and reviews will be legitimate and honest.

*All affiliate links will be marked with an asterick.*

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

2025 reading challenge

Here I am, once again, declaring that I did not complete my yearly reading challenge the past year. 😒

I got so busy with work that I managed to not read as much as I would like. I've failed my reading challenge so many years in a row.

As I say every year, this year is my year! I'm pledging on Goodreads that I'll read 50 books in 2025. Here's hoping I can hit the ground running. I also listen to audibooks while at work, so coupled with the library, I hope I can knock out a few!

The new releases I'm most looking forward to are Sunrise on the Reaping by Suzanne Collins (here's an excerpt from the first chapter!), Our Infinite Fates by Lauren Steven, and Everything is Tuberculosis by John Green.

However, I have so many books at home that I want to get through. So far these are at the top of the list:

Two of these are recent library books, but three of them are pulls from my enormous To Be Read pile. I have books stashed all around my apartment and really need to slim down my collection. Check out my Pango shop to peruse my books for sale!
As They See 'Em by Bruce Weber //  This is one I pulled from the TBR. As a baseball umpire and lover of memoirs, this one is right up my alley.

The Fantastic Laboratory of Dr. Weigl: How Two Brave Scientists Battled Typhus and Sabotaged the Nazis by Arthur Allen // I love a good story about people kicking Nazi ass. I'm also always intrigued by medical history.
Modelland by Tyra Banks // Lord, this one has been around forever and I'm just now getting to it. We'll see how it goes. 😬

Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism by Amanda Montell // Lately I've been consuming everything I can about cults, so naturally I snatched this one up when I saw it at the library.
Ghost Story by Peter Straub // I've had this copy for forever and I really want to delve into it.

I'll go over these more once I've finished them!

Be sure to add me as a friend on Goodreads!

Friday, December 27, 2024

frugal friday - december

Christmas has come and gone! Here's to a new year of saving and making money.
  • No Spend Days: Only One 😔
  • Grocery deals: free bag of salad with a Kroger coupon, $1.61 bag of cauliflower florets, $1.80 80 Acres Power Crunch, 49¢ avocado
  • Money made outside of my job: 
    • DoorDash: $135.14
    • Ebay/Poshmark/Mercari: $21.60
    • Other: $26.81
  • My auto/renters insurance company made one too many mistakes so I took to the internet to find a replacement. I got quotes from another company and ended up saving $50 a month and I'll get a partial refund for $85.47 from my old company.
  • iHerb sent me a $10 promotional credit, which I used to buy needed celery seeds*, Alba Botanica lip balm*, and Frontier Savory Pepper*
  • I cashed out $11.56 from the Eureka app. I had it sent to my PayPal account.
  • Via ibotta*, I got back 25¢ for a Whole Foods receipt and $5.30 at Walmart
I'm still decluttering! I cleaned out my storage closet and packed up some things I'd like to keep but didn't really have a home in my current apartment. It got a lot of things out of my every day living space.
  • Several flower pots and propagation jars - sold on Facebook marketplace
  • A top - sold online & shipped with recycled polymailers
  • I have switched over to 100% glass for my food storage thanks to my coworkers savings glass jars for me, so I swapped out plastic condiment bottles for glass and recycled all of those. I'll do my best to replace the plastic clad products with glass or make those condiments myself from scratch. I washed and donated all of my other food storage containers to the local Food Not Bombs.
  • I shipped off four old pairs of sneakers to GotSneakers - we'll see if I get back and cash for them.
I'm still trying to work through a lot of the freezer and pantry - I'm doing another low grocery month. I eat a lot of fresh produce, so I don't count that in my travels.
  • Used up from the freezer and pantry - a bag of Trader Joe's vegan orange chicken, some lima beans, a can of tomatoes and chiles, a can of black beans, 
Frugal Fails:
  • Somehow my laptop charger broke off so I had to order a new one for $10. Not an entire fail as my laptop is a $75 refurbished Chromebook, but still an expense I could have avoided
my poshmark closet | shop my mercari | shop my eBay
lucky bandit is a for profit blog. I use affiliate links and paid advertisements. I may earn compensation for a click or purchase through a link. Paid (whether via product or monetary) reviews will be noted in the actual post. Though compensation may influence the type of posts, all opinions and reviews will be legitimate and honest.

*All affiliate links will be marked with an asterick.*
